Chicago Yacht Works will be closing its’ Ashland Ave facility this summer, after launch season. There is a long and proud history in these buildings and on this river that will be missed. It also means that nearly 300,000 square feet of inside storage will be removed from the Chicago area marine storage market.
However, we will consolidate our business into our new facility, which is much larger and offers amenities that we cannot offer on the Chicago River.
Our Calumet River location has slips and the only private fuel dock in the region! We are building more inside storage this summer as part of a multi-million-dollar expansion and redevelopment, which will make it one of the most modern and sought-after marine facilities in the region.
We plan to keep building more storage on this property as well as adding more slips and additional amenities to enhance the boater’s experiences (more on that later).
Our talented and skilled employees will move to the new facility along with our service and storage customers. Everything you know and expect from Chicago Yacht Works will remain just in a larger facility with more ways to serve our customers. We will maintain our summer dockside service as well as all of the ways we currently serve you and your vessels.
If you are interested in storage for next winter at the newest and biggest facility in the region, contact us now. With Ashland closed, space is at a premium.
We look forward to seeing you at Chicago Yacht Works – Calumet!